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Synopsis of Meeting of Thursday, February 10, 2011
Present: Karen Halley, Brian Bullock, Jacquie Kelly, Donna Cross,
Louise Charbonneau, Jim Robinson, Susan Marsh
1. The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Karen. Minutes were accepted from 10/12/2010.
2. Karen Halley reported that the Food Pantry has moved into the Wachusett Extended Care building. They expect to remain there for about two years, until building renovations begin. Since the Oriols are providing the space free of charge, the Food Pantry will make a donation to the Residents Association.
3. Louise Charbonneau summarized Help at H.O.M.E. fund activity from February 2010 to February 2011. The fund has helped 25 families, with 12 requests still pending. Funded requests include help paying for electricity, fuel, rent, a wheelchair ramp, roof snow removal, and after school programs, for a total of about $16,000. Many other families received information that enabled them to get help from other sources. In the past year Louise has received 288 donations, totaling between $12,000 and $13,000.
4. Jacquie Kelly delivered a request from Denise Morano of the Recreation Department, asking that the committee make money available for families who cannot afford summer pool passes and programs. The committee voted unanimously to make $3,000 available for this purpose. Applicants will follow the standard application process.
5. Jim Robinson submitted the financial report. The balance at the end of 2010 was $38,015.
6. The grommets on the H@H banner were damaged in the recent windstorm. The banner may need to be replaced.
7. There appear to be enough H@H booklets to last this year. Before reprinting, we will check the accuracy of the existing information. Jacquie will confirm whether the updates provided by Cheryl Owoc [10/29/09, 12/14/09] were added to the website.
8. The wooden fundraising sign in front of the bandstand is disintegrating. The committee decided not to rebuild. The meeting was adjourned at about 5:30.
9. Addendum: Subsequent to the meeting, Louise Charbonneau made a request for Help at H.O.M.E. to reimburse the Senior Center for the postage used in mailing the acknowledgments for the donations received to the Welcome Aldrich Fund/Help at H.O.M.E. The total amount was $126.72. Karen Halley
e-mailed the members of the committee and the consensus was to reimburse the total amount.
Notes taken by Susan Marsh.